Thursday, January 12, 2012

If you fall 100 times... get up 101 times!

Hey you!! Happy New Year!

I am back, it has almost been a year since I wrote anything and I apologize for not keeping in touch. It has been an interesting year for me. One goal I had for this blog was to share EVERYTHING with you guys, my success and my failures so hopefully you can learn something, and apply it in your own life.

so here is what has happened in a year...

A year ago, I went from quitting my job, having high hopes for success, to making a bad deal in real estate to going back to to work for UPS for couple of months. Then working for a moving company for $10 and then $13 dollars an hour and now back on the hustle. I can honestly tell you guys that i made a big circle in a year starting off the same I did last year lol. Success is 50% mental, and after all my plans weren't coming through and after losing money I began to doubt myself. I began to tell myself that maybe I am not meant to be successful... so I focus more and more on church. I basically left success aside to work more in my church. I kept telling myself that I messed up and that I was a failure for not succeeding,


Never let your outside environment affect your inner self. Believe who you are and who you want to become. STAY FOCUS!

Now to most people reading this it might sound like a whole year lost and a whole year full of mistakes...

But not to me.

After not accomplishing many goals that I had in mind I gained much more than anything I could have asked for. I found God in a deeper level. I can write a book on the blessings I have received this year. I became more humble and started volunteering to help people in need. In helping others I was also helping myself. I was starting to find myself. I realize the real reason why I really wanted to succeed, and that is to help people!  It has been a great experience.

So, I might have failed financially, but I have succeeded spiritually and mentally. Remember "Life is Beautiful, Everything else is a bonus or a lesson learned" - smug

I am ready to HUSTLE harder than I ever have, with the help of God, my family, my girlfriend and my new friends from church I WILL SUCCEED!

So if you feel down in your life or everything seems to be going wrong, GET UP!! and see what can you learn from it, if you can't do it on your own ask for help from positive people, I know i do : )

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Mat 6:33

Watch this video and hopefully it will inspire you to get up and keep moving!

Keep coming back for new and exciting posts...

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